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Fusion Garage Joojoo

  Date: Jan 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 314

Has anyone heard of the Fusion Garage Joojoo? Apparently it's a Ubuntu tablet
computer coming out this quarter. No 3G connectivity so it's appeal is a bit
limited, but other specs looked ok.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 11    

Google has lots to say on the JooJoo ( or Crunch Pad as it was
originally ) and it's not all good. Words like frustrating, not
intuitive, poor viewing angle abound and generally poor when compared
to the iPad - though it was conceived before iPad but failed to make
it to market first through internal wrangling at the developer it

Overall the consensus is 'give this one a miss' - at least until or if
they fix the software problems.

Interestingly, my spell checker wanted to replace JooJoo with Booboo
and perhaps that's not altogether inappropriate

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 11    

Yes, but have not used one or seen one for sale. I've read a few good
reviews. It is a 12 inch 3G tablet with Android. It has an Atom processor
and Nvidia Ion graphics. The big problem with all Android tablets is that it
is meant for phones and the apps do not scale well to larger proportions.
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) is supposed to address that, but it is not out
yet. So the word is to wait for Android 2.3 before spending the money. It
has Flash which the iPad doesn't but it does not have the apps to take
advantage and as I said most people think that it isn't ready for prime time
till 2.3 comes out.

I am looking at a tablet too.

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