Dolphin is indeed very good. However, I doubt whether it is the best. I am
hooked on PcManFM.
By the way, what is your opinion about Konqueror ? I like it but I think it
should be a museum exponate.
One of my colleagues had a serious problem. Windows died after 2 years.
Partition C was FUBAR. Booted up Slax (it uses Konqueror as file manager). Saw
everything, could not copy anything to partition D and/or external hard drive.
Booted up Antix Mepis. Ran PCManFM as root and copied everything to partition D
and to the external hard drive. So, I recovered all her files by using Antix and
PCMANFM run as root. Next time I am going to try Dolphin run as root.
Then I reinstalled Windows and all her stuff, but she demands Linux. She
understood it was good technology. This is an exception. Generally, nobody wants
Linux on the Desktop here.
By the way, she is an engineer.