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Can not open movie attachments

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 439

I am using Ubuntu 9.10. My web/email program is Opera (latest version).
When I get an email with an attachment I click on the attachment to open
the movie (wmv,mpg)the screen in Opera comes up to play the video but
nothing happens. I press the start button and still nothing happens. Do I
need to start or install anything (Synaptic package Manager)?.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

Are you new to Opera or Ubuntu? Can you play these files if you save them?
My Opera 10 uses Mplayer to play those file types, but I have
restricted-extras installed. Do you?

Ubuntu ships with only open source software. Anything that is licensed other
than GNU must be installed separately. This forces the user to click through
any proprietary licences in say Flash and places the obligation on the user
to comply with the law. They have packaged things together to make it
easier, but it still must be added separately. The package is called
ubuntu-restricted-extras and it is installed in Synaptic.

If you have the restricted extras installed then check your settings in
Opera. Make sure that it has that file type listed and an appropriate file
handler in the Advanced tab of Preferences.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

Not sure about opera - does this functionality work properly using the
ubuntu supplied mail programs? If not, be sure and enable the additional
repositories and install the ubuntu restricted extras bundle.

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