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Network Configuration

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 365

I am Still messing with this sill Thinkpad's network, but I think I've
got it just about there. I'm hoping that someone can help me out this
last little bit.

It's edubuntu Feisty Fawn Server (LTSP 5, i believe) and I Do plan on
using it as a server for a single thin client.

I have my dsl modem/router set for static ip on the thinkpad. I have
run pppoe conf and it says that it's all set up. When I check
etc/network/iface I get a blank page.

I can see my other pc's on the network. I get like 2 packets out of 5
back on a ping. I cannot ping my modem, but localhost pings 100%. I
tried pinging yahoo and it froze the pinger.

I can not get into the other pc's even tho I can see them. And if I
open firefox, I can go exactly one navigation - -perfectly, either
searching, www-ing or http:-ing in the address bar. But no matter
what my next move is, I get stuck looking for the page. And toggling
"disable ipv6" to true seems to hurt more than help, but neither
really make a differnce.

BTW--this is a wired ethernet connection, if I wasn't clear.



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