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configuration of virtual Ftp server

  Date: Nov 25    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 483

I need help and suggestion about the wu-ftpd server .

I want to implemented the Virtual Ftp Server .i have made the following setting for virtual FTp server implementation

1. I have made the virtual ethernet connection for ftp virtual side.
[root@linux root]# ifconfig eth0:1 up

2.add the follwing line in the ftpaccess
# virtual Ftp site
virtual root /home/asad
virtual banner /home/asad/ftp/banner.msg
virtual logfile /home/pak/ftp/xferlog

here /home/asad is the root directory for user asad.
/home/asad/ftp/banner.msg is the login massege.
/home/pak/ftp/xferlog is the log file .

I have noticed that nothing is implemented and executed by the ftp server on these line. why tell me if i am doing something wrong .

relating to above question i have also noticed that, if i did some mistake in ftpaccess file like mispelled or the syntex error ,no error is produced while starting the service .

In case of linux 6.2
/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet start

In case linux 7.x
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd start

but as far as other services is concern like sendmail , webserver when we start the service after certain wrong changes it produce the line number error (either it is mispelled or syntex error)
My question is how we can sured that whatever we have changed in the ftpaccess file is upto mark and correct , there is no log gererations of ftp server configuration file where we come to know which line is producing error.



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