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new to java

  Asked By: Adelisa    Date: Jul 17    Category: Java    Views: 948

i am very new to java and also new to programming.
i am trying to study papers.
but i can not move forward, pls help me
i know this may be very silly question, but i am at
the very beginning.
i installed JDK on my computer and i am writing a
small program to the notepad but when i call it from
MS DOS, i can not find and run it.
i should find

but it appears hello.java.text

what is the problem?



19 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Chione Massri     Answered On: Jul 17

Notepad by default appends .txt to every file unless
you change "Save as type" to "All Files".

Answer #2    Answered By: Bian Nguyen     Answered On: Jul 17

You also need to create a PATH in your system. The
method is varied from OS to OS. In couple of weeks
time, you will find  yourself an IDE that is simple and
free so you can see how all the Java technologies fit
together for your coding.

Answer #3    Answered By: Daniel Jones     Answered On: Jul 17

I have learned about JDK 1.3 and now I want to move  further in Java
Technology. I need the information about Servlet, EJB, Java Server Pages.
I've read the information from Java official site, but I can't get enough
information from it (maybe I read the wrong info). I need to know about the
function, advantages and differences between them.

Answer #4    Answered By: Mercedes Andrews     Answered On: Jul 17

You need to be aware that java  (developed by Sun Microsystems) and
JavaScript (developed by the creators of Netscape) are two completely
different things. If it is really JavaScript (a much less sophisticated
scripting language for use in web browsers) you are interested in, the
tutorials from java.sun.com will be of no help. However, if you want to
learn to program  in Java, which also has web browser capabilities, you
might want to start with a good book on Java. There are several that
are good, including one called _Thinking_in_Java_ by Bruce Eckel in HTML
format which can be downloaded for free at the author's web site at:


Answer #5    Answered By: Fuzairah Neeman     Answered On: Jul 17

I would add to that: at least it's not difficult to learn once you
understand the concept of object oriented programming, which is a
concept sometimes difficult for newbies, *especially* if they have
programmed before in a procedural language.

Answer #6    Answered By: Brandi Ramirez     Answered On: Jul 17

it did not work, it still gives me

what is the problem  you think

Answer #7    Answered By: Archie Parker     Answered On: Jul 17

Just rename it and when it says "Are you sure you want to drop the
extension" (or something) press yes.

Answer #8    Answered By: Hamdan Younis     Answered On: Jul 17

when you save it, save it in double quotes! Otherwise notpad will
automatically save it as a text file!

example: "hello.java"

Answer #9    Answered By: Laaibah Malik     Answered On: Jul 17

but now i can not run  it
i am writing
javac Hello.java
it does not run program, gives me bad command or file

Answer #10    Answered By: Daw Boonliang     Answered On: Jul 17

When you say SAVE or SAVE AS in Notepad, select "All
files" in the "SAVE AS FILETYPE" combobox. Only then
type in the full name "hello.java"

Alternatively, if you already have hello.java.txt,
open the folder containing your file, in Windows
Change view options to see the "file extensions of
known files" . You should now be able to see your file
as hello.java.txt

click on the file twice (DO NOT Double-Click) and
change it to hello.java by deleting the '.txt'

Answer #11    Answered By: Noah Evans     Answered On: Jul 17

I didn't realize they were different things. And yes I believe you are right in
what I am looking for is how to write javascripts.

Answer #12    Answered By: Candace Foster     Answered On: Jul 17

I found a book in Amazon.com that I wished I had when I started learning Java.
It’s compact and covers topics from syntax through design patterns, and more.
The title is “Java Power Source” and it’s like a no-nonsense survey of Java for
people who want to get their arms around all the concepts without having to dig
for it.

Answer #13    Answered By: Jo Fowler     Answered On: Jul 17

M> I found a book in Amazon.com that I wished I had when I started learning
Java. It’s compact and covers topics from syntax through design patterns, and
more. The title is “Java Power Source” and
M> it’s like a no-nonsense survey of Java for people who want to get their arms
around all the concepts without having to dig for it.

and you get commission for selling it right?

Answer #14    Answered By: Blaze Fischer     Answered On: Jul 17

I happen to think it is a book that gives a lot of info for the size
and can help  people who can't afford to buy a new book every time a new concept
is mentioned that is not in one of the so many other books already bought. The
table of contnts alone told me that it was what I had looked for during my time
studying but a bit late. I still use it when a want a quick lookup of a term.
Some people I have told about it have thanked me. They are usually kind of new
to Java and can't afford the expense of a lot of books. I guess once we don't
need something we figure no one else will either! And if we think something is
a good resource than it is OK to share it, but if we don't need it then we can
jut shout SPAM! I bet you don't even know what's in the book or wheter it can
help someone who is trugling and confused with a lot of concepts that they need
to buy one book after another for. Do they pay you for yelling SPAM!!?

Answer #15    Answered By: Pam Harrison     Answered On: Jul 17

if someone wants a book they can look on amazon and read the reviews.

you probably like the book because it is what you were reading during
the point when you were just getting the grasps of java. could you
perhaps of read any other book at this point?

i have read many books whilst learning various languages. they are all
about the same.

some have a particular format that others dont, but they all give you
the information you want.

usually a selection of books will help  you learn and get different
angles which would make you a better programmer.

yes i do get paid for yelling spam, the less spam i get the more money
i can make.

Answer #16    Answered By: Shannon Hughes     Answered On: Jul 17

I hear you but you are missing the point. Not everybody is a genius and
some of us are also short on money. Most Java books are focused and don't
provide all the information across the board. The part about learning different
angles from different books is great, but that is once you get past the first
few months. My point is that some people (maybe not as bright as you) sometimes
need to know a bit more in depth, what new terms mean, in order to move  on
ahead within their comfort level. It is those people (like me) that benefit from
Java Power Source. You would be surprised to know how many of us there are.
Amazon has many many books on Java. Regarding less spam making you more money
congratulations (you must be rich by now) but I fail to see how my email could
have cost you a penny in the spirit it was delivered. The significance of this
book is that it gives an overview from syntax to design and can help  new people
to clarify early and move on instead of waiting with growing number of terms
hanging over our head and making us nervous. Just as books are different so are
people. I joined a number of JUG recently as I got a renewed confidence in
Java. I expect I will find  a lot of helpfull info and I wanted to share what
enabled me to get back. If I am not welcome in this JUG

Answer #17    Answered By: Clinton Edwards     Answered On: Jul 17

> edd,I hear you but you are missing the point. Not everybody is a
> genius and some of us are also short on money. Most Java books are
> focused and don't provide all the information across the board. The
> part about learning different angles from different books is great,
> but that is once you get past the first few months. My point is that
> some people(maybe not as bright as you) sometimes need to know a bit
> more in depth, what new terms mean, in order to move  on ahead within
> their comfort level. It is those people (like me) that benefit from
> Java Power Source.

Yes I can see you like that book. But it is not the only one whcih is good for
learners. There is a very good book which i have two in its serise of. C++ The
Black Book and Java 2 The black book. Anoying though and I think you would like
it, it repeats and repeasts and repeats itself like a bleeting sheep.

Some people like this, I dont, I know the person who lent it to me originally
liked it's method. However what it does give is a very detailed method
descripion for classes. In my infinate wisdom I ordered both from Amazon at the
same time. I think the older style books by the original authors of C would have
suited me better, with less bloat.

However, You cannot beat old fashioned teaching of a programming  languge.
Perhaps spending £100 on an evening course other than spending that money on
books would be better. At least there are people there who you can ask on a
one-to-one basis.

> You would be surprised to know how many of us there are. Amazon has many
> many books on Java. Regarding less spam making you more money
> congratulations (you must be rich by now) but I fail to see how my email
> could have cost you a penny in the spirit it was delivered. The
> significance of this book is that it gives an overview from syntax to
> design and can help  new people to clarify early and move on instead of
> waiting with growing number of terms hanging over our head and making us
> nervous. Just as books are different so are people. I joined a number
> of JUG recently as I got a renewed confidence in Java. I expect I will
find  a lot of helpfull info and I wanted to share what enabled me to get
> back. If I am not welcome in this JUG, please let me know and I will
> sign off.Thank you.Margaret.

The less spam is that I have to read the emails! Which takes time. I like to
help people when I can, but it seems common place around here to see people
recommending books and other learning sources, which is not really what this
group is about. This group from what I can tell is about helping others, not
directing people to other places when not needed.

I would like to see an official faq for this site contain a list of our
recommended books and resources as it could save a lot of time when these issues

Everyone from what I can tell, is welcome here with their questions.

Answer #18    Answered By: Adelaide Fischer     Answered On: Jul 17

save the file with the name between " "
--> "hello.java" o put All Files when you save it.

Answer #19    Answered By: Blake Smith     Answered On: Jul 17

I am wanting to learn how to write java  scripts and have a huge book
with a cd that I can't make heads or tails of which is outdated
anyways from java.sun.com. So I went to their site and downloaded
the updated programs but still can't understand what it is I'm
supposed to do?

I really want to learn .. can anyone tell me where a good place to
start is? A website? A tutor? Anything at all?

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