I happen to think it is a book that gives a lot of info for the size
and can help people who can't afford to buy a new book every time a new concept
is mentioned that is not in one of the so many other books already bought. The
table of contnts alone told me that it was what I had looked for during my time
studying but a bit late. I still use it when a want a quick lookup of a term.
Some people I have told about it have thanked me. They are usually kind of new
to Java and can't afford the expense of a lot of books. I guess once we don't
need something we figure no one else will either! And if we think something is
a good resource than it is OK to share it, but if we don't need it then we can
jut shout SPAM! I bet you don't even know what's in the book or wheter it can
help someone who is trugling and confused with a lot of concepts that they need
to buy one book after another for. Do they pay you for yelling SPAM!!?