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Installing Ubuntu on a Acer Aspire 5050 5430

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 668

Has anyone been able to install Ubuntu on this laptop. I have tried
Redhat, SUSE and Mandriva with the same result it freezes after the
initial boot than nothing. I want to dual boot Linux but the dual
boot idea is gone unless there is a way to crack the Vista only bios.



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 27    

Go into Control Panel/Users and turn off the User Control and shut
Windows defender down entirely. They both control things.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 27    

First maybe I didn't explain I up the CD of any distribution into the
CD drive and rebooted the computer boots reads the CD then just locks.
Doesn't even starts the Install directory. Nothing been told its due
to the Vista only BIOS. Unless there is a way to break that I can not
install Linux of any distrution. Any solution outside of removing the
BIOS there is no solutions.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 27    

The BIOS does not set for Vista only. Do you know what the BIOS is Basil?

When your computer start up you can use the F2 key (at least on my
laptop it F2) to open the System BIOS set up. Here you select the Boot
tab (at least on mine it that tab) and reset the boot priority to CD.
Remember after the install you need to go back and change this to HDD.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 27    

Acer my laptop manufacturer tech support rep was the one who told me
this, was a bit of a shock to me, booting to CD was my first thing I did
but all attempts resulted in the system to lockup no matter which
version of Live CD Ubuntu, Fedora nothing. Before I came on this forum
I contacted Acer they would know. No the statement came from a Acer Tech
not from me. I was floored. I was hoping someone had a work around
but not so far.

I have Ubuntu on two other computers all different but works fine, but
my laptop is locked out from using Linux. I am more than pissed I can't
even install a copy of OS-X as I can on one of my desktops, even though
that is supposed to be difficult I can do it, but not on my laptop
explain that Acer has.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 27    

I think it is the video card that is causing you grief. You can install the
server pack of Ubuntu and try to edit the XORG.
Below taken from Ubuntu Wiki

With Feisty Beta (7.04), when you install, you still have the "black screen"
problem. Please update (sudo apt-get update) and it will install a new ati-xorg
driver which will do the trick perfectly, without any other configuration (no
"Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS, TMDS" is needed no more !)


Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 27    

Then like you I am floored because how Acer alone puts a block on their
laptops I have no idea. I would be inclined to take it back myself but
that does not help you I know.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 27    

I have hardy running on an acer aspire 9400

no issues but it is a year and an half old

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