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Hardy Heron Sudenlt Won't Boot!

  Date: Dec 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 525

I have been running HH for several weeks on a HP laptop, dual-booted
with Vista. This morning I used the Synaptic Package Manager to
download and install VirtualBox. After reading the users' manual, it
became obvious that the application wasn't going to do what I wanted,
so I used the Synaptic Package Manager to completely remove
VirtualBox. Now, I can't boot HH. The boot process freezes at the
"Starting Up ..." screen. Once, by pressing the Power key a number of
times, I was able to get it to boot, but it came up in LowRes mode,
claiming it could not find my graphics card. At that point, I booted
to Vista to see if I had a HW problem, but Vista booted with no problems.

I would like to avoid re-installing HH if possible. Can anyone offer
any suggestions?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 26    

At Grub, choose the super-user mode
(usually the second option on the list) and then
once you have a terminal apt-get install the
VirtualBox package again to see if by
installing it back will get all of the dependencies
that were removed. I have always thought that
"complete removal" must be taken with care.

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