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More desktop issues....

  Date: Nov 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 368

I had to restart my computer today after installing a file. When it came up my
Gnome Do app didnt come up. When I tried to start it an error said I didnt have
desktop effects turned on. When I tried to do that it says "Desktop effects
could not be started." Im not sure what has happened but my mouse is working but
Ive gone backwards in graphics card ability. When I moved from 9.04 to 10.04 it
just worked.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 26    

Out of curiosity, under System > Administration does everyone have NVIDIA entry

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 26    

Yes, I have Nvidia X server settings. What file did you install?

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 26    

Well, I didnt install it as I have ATI video card.
It just showed up two days ago.
Starting to wonder about my system.

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 26    

My machine has no NVIDIA card so no entry on the Administration menu

Answer #5    Answered On: Nov 26    

It is likely that a kernel upgrade made the driver not work and it defaulted
to a vanilla driver. To get compositing to work then you will likely have to
re-install the proprietary driver and re-boot. You may not have to re-boot,
if the driver is unchanged, but if it is changed then you will have to
re-boot to use it. You will know if you do this from Hardware Drivers
(called Additional Drivers in Maverick) if it gives you the re-boot symbol.
If you do it from Synaptic or Software Centre then you won't see it.

The reason why this happens is that a kernel module is made when you install
the driver. A new kernel would not have this module. You could also try
booting into the previous kernel and it would likely give you desktop
effects, but it is a pain to do this every time you boot.

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