1) 1138pm
FF (gmail) -- > froze right after sending last message to this group
FF (add-ons page)
note: very slow load time (for a while now, actually)
2) 1141am
Totem (mp3)
System --> froze when I clicked on system
3) 128am
Epiphany (2 tabs -- gmail/ice weasel info)
File Browswer
Opera Installer
-->took about a 2 hour nap, was frozen upon return (don't recall if freeze
was cause for nap?).
4) 135am
FF (gmail)
FF (add-ons page)
--> froze on FF restore
Running 64bit Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu)
AMD Athlon64 4000+ CPU
160GB Seagate HD @ 5400 RPM
Have taken Memtest all the way to 60% before, but cancelled at that point
due to need to use computer.
Uninstalled/Reinstalled FF at one point.
Free space on HD: 34GB.
Am able to run off my 80GB HD (which I'm on at the moment), but does not
recognize that the 160GB (with all my data) is even there. The 80GB is
running Edgy with no updates (am afraid to update).
5) 146am
Totem (mp3) --> froze unexpectedly within 1 second of play