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Computer name on network

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 517

Im working for a client right now who are very careful about the
security on their network. Long story short, ONE of the things they want
to see is the computer host name .... for the life of me I cant figure
out how to do that now on 9.04. I have always had it on my ubuntu
machine until now. It just shows up as a *.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

What exactly are they after? A way to determine the host's name when
logged in on that machine?

As in:

jbuchana@flenser$ hostname

Or is it something else?

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

Yup. Thats it.. but they are seeing this through their internal router.
All computers are inspected, mac addr are recorded, and all pc's must be
identified on the network. I just cant figure out how to get my computer
to identify itself.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 06    

I may be wrong here, but I think all that they can get directly
scanning the machines on the network is the IP addresses. To resolve
those into names, I believe that they have to query the a DNS server
or look in their local "hosts" file (Windows has one too, but it is
buried rather deeply).

Getting them to add your machines to their DNS or hosts files may be
easy, or it may be hard, depending on their attitudes.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 06    

On my own network, none of my ubuntu machines show up with a host name like the
Windows machines do. They show up at s * only.

For example:

Mad-Max 00:00:00:00:00:00
* 11:11:11:11:11:11

Where * is the ubuntu machine.

On 8.04 I went into networking and could name the machine there. That option is
no longer available. Though my machine is accessible though the url
http://madmax/filename etc, ... which I have set up for the normal development

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 06    

Unix machines don't normally broadcast their hostnames across the lan.
That's a peecee-lan thing. If they want your unix hostname to show up in
the peecee-lan listings, then you'll have to have samba installed and
have the smbd and nmbd daemons running.

Then they will broadcast whatever hostname your system has. If you want
to force the hostname to be a certain value, it can be set in
/etc/samba/smb.conf - perhaps that adjustment can be made via some GUI
control if you have samba and friends installed, I'm not sure. But the
file edit works directly

Under the [global] section you can set the visible peecee-lan hostname
like so:

netbios name = MULHOLLAND

Restart the samba services after modifying smb.conf

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