I only have one primary partition. Actually I did not know there could be
more than one primary.
I'm just experimenting/learning Oneiric/Unity. Somethings I like
somethings, hopefully in the future I will be overcome the "features" I
used, and liked and miss, in Maverick. When the LTS is released I plan on
axing everything but Windows and doing a fresh install.
One of the big things I miss in Unity is having a Top Panel where Icons can
be places that execute a shell script to set up an environment with at
Terminal, Nautilus, GFile and Evince windows open ready to enter code for
programming Atmel AVR micors. Or call up Calc with either my checkbook,
vitals, or portfolio, Python3 programming environment, things like that set
up using one click and the things I use most was ready to use. Now, with
the advancements(?) in Unity I have know idea of how to do that. Any ideas?