Is it possible to install 10.10 over 8.04 without a bootable CDrom or USB thumbdrive?
Yes. pressALT F2 at the same time. Type in up-date-manager. Click on the runbutton. It will ask you to up-date. Just follow through the prompts. The other is the terminal way. Open up the terminal in Applications>TerminalTypein or copy and past this commandsudo apt-get dist-upgradeIt will ask you for your password for sudu. It may be the one you log into.
You need to upgrade 8.04 to 10.04 first (from LTS to LTS versions). Then youcan upgrade 10.04 to 10.10 without going through the intervening releases.However, upgrades are not reliable in my experience and doing too muchupgrading increases the chances of something going wrong.Hardy (8.04) was a LTS release and is good for six more months. Lucid(10.04) is also LTS and has a longer shelf life than 10.10. Myrecommendation would be to upgrade from LTS to LTS and stop at 10.04 unlessyou have a really good reason to want Maverick (10.10).Lucid expires in 13-04 and Maverick expires one year earlier.
Yes, but why? Keep your eyes open for a discarded computer, it probably containsa working CD-ROM drive.
My computer is an off brand laptop. The CDrom has power, will open and close butis not recognized by the OS or the BIOS. I have several old desktop CD/DVDdrives in my garage.
Sounds like a hardware problem but short of fitting a new laptopDVD/CD drive you'll not know if it's a drive or controller error.Overall probably not worth it ?Question is whether this laptop will boot from a USB device. If itwill you can either use a Flash Drive or a CD Drive caddy for one ofthose desktop ones you have.
Loose cable???????????????????????????
There are many installation possibilities that you may have not considered:
I upgraded to 8.10, 9.4, 9.10, and now have 10.4.I may have to open the laptop to see if it is a cable problem.
Very few laptops have cables to connect the CD/DVD drive, they areusually plugged directly into a connector on the motherboard. Worthremoving and plugging back in again to see if it makes any differencebut I'd doubt it. May be that the drive has failed and the wisest movewould be to replace it. Again most use a generic laptop drive with aproprietary interface that unscrews from the old drive and is fixed tothe new one before plugging in.BTW - as has been said often upgrading multiple times isn't a goodidea overall and you would be better off doing a clean install of10.04LTS or 10.10 if you don't mind the regular upgrading.