Below is the code (adapted from Craig's example) and it does exactly what I
need it to! If my coding looks more complicated than it needs to be, feel
free to tell me!
Sub ObtainAcNumber()
Dim strCellValue, strReference, strAcNum, strChr As String
Dim intRow, intCol, x As Integer
intRow = 2
Do While Cells(intRow, 1).Value <> "" ''' Loops through each cell that
contains data
strCellValue = Cells(intRow, 7).Value
For x = 1 To Len(strCellValue) ''' Loops through each character in the
strChr = Mid(strCellValue, x, 1)
If IsNumeric(strChr) Or strChr = "-" Then
''' Checks the length and format of the numerical string each
time a number is added
If (Left(strAcNum, 1) = "0" And Len(strAcNum) < 9) Or _
''' Format "000000000"
(Left(strAcNum, 1) <> "0" And Len(strAcNum) < 8) Or _
''' Format "00000000"
(InStr(strAcNum, "-") > 0 And Left(strAcNum, 1) = "0" And _
Len(strAcNum) < 11) Or _ ''' Format "00-000000-0" (not
exact, but sufficient)
(InStr(strAcNum, "-") > 0 And Left(strAcNum, 1) <> "0" And _
Len(strAcNum) < 10) Then ''' Format "0-000000-0" (not
exact, but sufficient)
strAcNum = strAcNum & strChr
If x = Len(strCellValue) And Len(strAcNum) < 8 Then
strAcNum = ""
End If
''' If the numerical string has finished and is not at least 8
numbers in length, it is reset to ""
If strAcNum <> "" Then
If Len(strAcNum) < 8 Then strAcNum = ""
End If
strReference = strReference & strChr
End If
Next x
''' Removes the zero at the beginning of the numerical string, if
If Left(strAcNum, 1) = "0" Then strAcNum = Right(strAcNum, Len(strAcNum)
- 1)
If strAcNum <> "" Then
Cells(intRow, 6).Value = strAcNum
Cells(intRow,7).Value = strReference
End If
strReference = "": strAcNum = ""
intRow = intRow + 1
End Sub