This weekend I was introduced to Microsofts new coffee-table-computer.
It is really cool.
You can see what Multi-touch technology is here on Popular Mechanics.
They are saying that this is the next stop in computing. I can see
great possibilities for this. In the PM article it suggests
restaurants put this on the meal tables. You would sit down, touch the
table top showing you a menu, you could tap it, maybe input a comment
like "well done" on the steak, "light on the ice" on the drink, and
then hit "order" ... and at the end of the meal you just place your
credit card on the table top to pay. Through sensors in the table top
it can tell if its a camera, a cell phone, a laptop computer, or a
credit card that has been laid down. You could authorize the credit
right there. While waiting for your meal, if it was lunch time, you
could maybe access your email or watch a video on YouTube. Or maybe
just read the news.
I think that this is very cool stuff. I love the possibilities. Now,
we need to see linux get into the game!