I have a standard, internal, wireless adapter in my HP laptop (wlan0), with a
standard DHCP setup, and I am running 8.04. I would like to also be able to
communicate through the wired (eth0) port with a Make Controller that has a
static IP (although it can run with DHCP).
If I hook the controller up to the wired port on my router and put it in DHCP
mode, I have no problems connecting to it using a browser, but I have not been
able to communicate with the controller when it is cabled to my laptop. I think
this is a two-part problem. First, is there some way to force a browser to use
eth0 instead of wlan0 when both are enabled, and what eth0 settings would I need
to set up a static connection between my eth0 port and the controller (or should
I be running a dhcp server)?