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Need wireless Ethernet USB adapter

  Date: Feb 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 505

I have a D-Link DWA-125 wireless adapter. I can get it to connect in Ubuntu. I
cannot get it to connect while using KDE, Kubuntu and Xubuntu.

I would like to get this adapter to work using any and all of the above Ubuntu

If that is not possible what wireless USB Ethernet adapter are you using. Should
I have to buy another interface I would like to get one that will work with
Linux distros without having to preform special configuration. Should that not
be possible then on that is easy to get to work.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 04    

I have a cheap Trendnet adapter which works well under Kubuntu 11.04 on my 9
year old iBuddie laptop. One thing I found was not to use wicd (the
replacement wifi client). It wouldn't connect at all. Also, I had to plug it
into the computer directly as even a USB extension that came with another
wifi adapter prevented it from connecting.

If you can connect under Ubuntu what would happen if you installed Ubuntu
and then added kubuntu-desktop from the repositories? Might work, even
though it's a bit cumbersome.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 04    

If it works in Ubuntu then it should work in Kubuntu or Xubuntu or any
other *ubuntu you can find

Try connecting the Kubuntu / Xubuntu systems using an ethernet cable
then getting updates. That often brings USB Wi-Fi adapters to life so
always worth doing first.

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