i have two questions :
>>"ps -f" commande shows all the processes which are running, but when
we type "ps -e" it shows too much processes than the first one, how
can we explain that?i've tried to understand what is said in "man ps"
but i still don't understand what is wrong in my interpretation on
these commandes.
>>my second wuestion is i've heard a strange information today,
in my system-accessing class , a friend of mine said to me that as we
have a local network in my school, we can enter into an other pc by
its name and control it,send text messages,control the cd
driver...this without that he realizes it just by typing commandes on
the terminal consol, is it possible?if yes how can we do that?
ps: as you can probably see my english is not very good, i'd be happy
to read your corrections of the faults i make,making of the stone two