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wireless drivers

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 440

i am using dell studio 1558 laptop and installed ubuntu 9.10 using
i am not getting wireless what should i do to get wireless network
shall i have to install some drivers for it ?......



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

Ive never used wubi but, when I installed 9.04 on one, it worked just
fine. It might have something to do with wubi.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 04    

I don't know your computer or what wireless card it uses but in general look
for 'hardware drivers' under the System menu (in Kubuntu). Plug in the
wired network connexion and see if it finds a WiFi driver. Note that
Broadcom cards require special treatment, but they will work. Setting up a
wireless network is not very intuitive but works well once configured. While
you have the RJ45 plugged in you might install wicd from the repository,
which I've found easier to work with than the built-in Network Manager.
Barring a major hardware failure it will work - easier to say afterwards I

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 04    

my biggest headache. I have had an easer time getting 3g devices to
work if the WiFi device is not seen by Ubuntu. NDSwrapper sometimes
works. MadWifi on the net may have the instructions, and source you need
to compile. I however just go to a store like Staples and buy a USB
wifi card that states it is Mac OSX compatible. Roughly 40 bucks, my
time is worth more than that, and it won't hide the next time I start
the computer.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 04    

Main Menu>System>Administration>Hardware Drivers.

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