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  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 472

Well I did the upgrade last night, while I was sleeping. When I got up and
checked it out, I had to make a decision on what I wanted grub to show(dual boot
system with xp). I selected all(just to make sure) and it started doing it's
thing. Seemed like it was taking forever, also lost power for about 30 sec on
the external hd I have Ubuntu on. Anyway I restarted the whole computer and grub
came up. I selected Ubuntu and it starts up and seems to be working ok (further
checking this weekend). I restarted and tried to bring up XP and all I got was a
curser in the upper left part of the screen.

Later I am going to check to make sure XP was not overwritten as there are
programs I run that only run under windoz. If I still see the drive there, what
I was thinking about doing a fresh install of 10.04 and being at the computer
for the whole thing. Is this a good thing, and comments suggestions are



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

If Windows is there, and everything else works ok, You wouldn't really need
to do a complete reinstall... only fix the problem that is causing windows
to not boot. This could either be a grub problem or an issue with windows
boot files. Reinstalling/fixing grub would take care of the former, and
running system repair disk for windows would take care of the later. There
is a nice tuturial somewhere on how to get grub2 fixed to see windows if
that is the problem. Maybe someone remembers where that is at.

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