I just finished with an update, I assumed it was Ubuntu, OK first it deleted allmy favorites out of my bookmarks, now I have balloon pop ups I did not havebefore. Lets make it easyto start....How do I get rid of the balloons?
What do the balloons say? And when you say you assumed it was Ubuntuis there any way you can check to be sure what you had and what youused for the update?It sounds like you just installed over top of what you had. If that isthe case you will always be going back to a blank slate - with anyoperating system. Way back 10 years ago it was possible to re-installWindows to restore missing system files without losing anything. Asoperating systems have become more complex that has become impossible.Don't be afraid to keep the questions coming and those wiser than Iwill help you.
Favorites? Isn't that a Windows term? It is a good idea to use a service to savebookmarks. A good one for Firefox is Foxmarks. It can be found in the Add-ons.It works across platforms and will synchronize your bookmarks as you work.Clipmarks is another one. When Firefox installs in Linux it may overwrite, butit is more likely that it just started a new profile and your old bookmarks arestill there.They will be stored in your home folder in a hidden file. In Nautilus you needto activate Show Hidden files by going to the Menu under View or by pressingCtrl H. Then look for a folder that starts with a dot called .mozilla, thenbrowse sub-folders looking for firefox. look for profiles that will either bedefault or end in default. Your bookmarks are called bookmarks.html. Just openit to check and then copy it from one profile to the other.Where are the balloon pop-ups and what do they say? What are you doing when yousee them? Are they in Firefox or every programme? etc.