I installed Opera via the terminal but now I need to uninstall it. Neverdone that before. This is the cmd to install: dpkg -iopera-static_5.0-0beta7-20010426-023_i386.deb
man dpkg reveal that you use the option "-r" to remove a package.So why not try :dpkg -r opera-static_5.0-0beta7-20010426-023_i386.debBut I'm no expert at dpkg: I prefer to use apt-get.
If you install it that way you can use Synaptic too to un install the program.
Use dpkg -r opera-static_5.0-0beta7-20010426-023_i386.debto uninstall Opera.The -r stands for remove, as the -i stands for remove
Try apt-get remove opera-static_ 5.0-0beta7- 20010426- 023_i386Without the .deb