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Took the plunge

  Date: Jan 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 412

installed Ubuntu in a dual boot. Worked beautifully. It won't
pick up the WiFi card It's an external plug in by Linksys and it won't
play any music. Any suggestions? Does the music have to be in
another form besides mp3?

My daughter put it on HER computer and loves it and everything works.
I'm installing unto an HP Pavilion Ze2000 laptop.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 04    

> and installed Ubuntu in a dual boot. Worked beautifully. It won't
> pick up the WiFi card It's an external plug in by Linksys and it won't
> play any music. Any suggestions? Does the music have to be in
> another form besides mp3?

To play MP3's, install the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly.


> My daughter put it on HER computer and loves it and everything works.
> I'm installing unto an HP Pavilion Ze2000 laptop.

Need hardware info. Post output of running "lspci" in a terminal session.

You can copy contents of terminal screeen

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 04    

I have a Broadcom corp. BCM4306 802.11g wireless lan controller.

I have the driver for it, copied it from the system 32 windows folder. How do
I use it???

I haven't attempted to find the MP3 thingy yet as my main concern is getting
online. I have read through post and posts at the ubuntu forums and I guess I
am just having trouble adjusting to the terminal and not pointing and clicking
to make things work. Although I have figured out how to extract from a tar and
how to make new folders. I just haven't figured out how to install or where to
install things to. Sure is a learning curve.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 04    

Here's on link that might help with info.

http://screencasts. ubuntu.com/
http://ubuntuclips. org/
http://www.linuxrea lity.com/
http://www.unix- tutorials. com/tutorials. php?os=Ubuntu
http://psychocats. net/ubuntu/ index
http://monkeyblog. org/ubuntu/ installing/
There is oodles of useful tips on using Ubuntu linux and how to use linux.

Yeah it's a big curve all right and I keep sliding down the hill

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 04    

there are some Network tools in the administration or system
pull down menu in Ubuntu, at the top of your screen pull down menus.
You will have to see if your wireless card is recognized there first.
RA0 I believe is what you will be looking to enable. Ubuntu does not
automatically configure you wireles network cards for you. I'm at
work now so I don't have access to my laptop that I have Ubuntu, and
like you it is a Duel boot with Windows XP. I also have a plug in
PCMCIA wireles network card, a belkin, and I had to enable it with the
Network configuration tool in Ubuntu. A GUI menu tool.

After you configure you wireles card for the default network device
you will have to reboot Ubuntu.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 04    

Acording to the specs the HP ze2000 has a broadcom wireless card. I
just installed ubuntu on a HP DV6305 that also has a broadcom card.
the instructions on how to make such a card work are available.
Worked for me. HP's are not Ubuntu friendly.


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