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Sharing Macro/workbook with others

  Asked By: Nancy    Date: Dec 21    Category: MS Office    Views: 823

I did some searches through the Messages archive and didn't find any
messages that answered my question. So, here goes..

I wrote a vba application (is that redundant?) to process manually
input data on a form and convert the data for placement on one of four

I would like to share the whole thing with a couple of friends. I sent
the .xls file to them believing/thinking the vba would travel with it.
But, apparently, it did not.

How can I send the vba and workbook to friends without them having to
be vba-knowledgeable.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Cadencia Bernard     Answered On: Dec 21

You need to look at where you wrote the vba.
Is it in a module?
In what workbook?

See... if you begin by recording a macro, the "default" is to put the
macro in a module in the file  "Personal.xls". This is only available to you.
You should be able to see this in VBA's object browser.
then, when you created the form.. did you use a userform? or is it
actually just data  on a spreadsheet?
If it was a userform, then you should be able to look at the Objec browser
and tell where it's stored.

I stongly suspect that you've created your vba  in your personal workbook
All you need to do is create a module in your other workbook  and copy the
macro to this module.

Answer #2    Answered By: Patty Freeman     Answered On: Dec 21

Go back to the VB environment and bring up one of your modules. Then look
at what workbook  it's in. If it's not in the one you are distributing, then
you need to drag it into the right one, and remove it from the wrong one.
(This is all done in the Project Explorer window that should be at the left.
If it's not there, go to View and bring up the Project Explorer.)

Answer #3    Answered By: Johnathan Nelson     Answered On: Dec 21

May also want to check making sure that the security setting is not on
"High", which will effectively turn off your macros.

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