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  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 448

Lets just worship at the Ubuntu alter and say how much we love it and
help other to use it but leave our neighbours to use their computers
their way, without the constant criticism.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

Except the part about worship. Ubuntu is good but no distro or OS merits
People come here to resolve problems which sometimes means discussing
issues. No OS is immune from those.
Security is a concern of many BTW.The problem occurs when anyone criticizes
a competing OS. The MS apologist takes exception to any criticism. I see
much irony in that.
Great use of sarcasm BTW, except not everybody here uses Ubuntu. Some use
Mint or one of the other Canonical products.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

I also belong to a Mac user group, and they are way more defensive
than Ubuntu users! They think their OS is ordained by You Know Who
Himself. Don't even think about making any favorable reference to any
MS OS there.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 05    

Even that is a diminishing shout these days.

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