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How to Send mail in Excel

  Asked By: Richard    Date: Feb 02    Category: MS Office    Views: 1487

I am trying to search in the internet how to create mail in excel macro
but all of them are too complicated to understand and it also doesn't
work in my excel when I tried to run those scripts. I am using excel
2003. I hope somebody can help just to give a simple code to send mail.

Questions are:
1. How to send a blank mail with a subject to a single recipient
2. How to send a blank mail with a subject to a multiple recipients
3. How to send mail attaching the workbook I am working on.
4. Can excel send mail without opening any other applications such as
Outlook Express?
5. If it's required to open email applications, can it open thunderbird?

I hope someone also can send some links regarding creating mails in excel.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Tina Simmons     Answered On: Feb 02

Google on "CDO" and you should find plenty of examples. Here's the first
item I see when I search:


However, it will require an SMTP server for you to send  the messages
through. You should be able to do that with a GMail account.

Answer #2    Answered By: Zoheth Mizrachi     Answered On: Feb 02

also look at sendmail and mailsystem in vba help

Answer #3    Answered By: Kafox Gogomail     Answered On: May 11

u can use GoGoMail to process this issue.

GoGoMail 2010 provides 11 practical mail processing assistant for rapid processing of the

Excel file is automatically assigned an attachment, the wage mass distribution.

u can visit:

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