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More complex Mail Merging with Excel to Word

  Asked By: Keira    Date: Mar 14    Category: MS Office    Views: 1088

Not sure if this is a Word or an Excel question, but it's really
bugging me!

I'm pretty familure with merging an excel file in word to produce
letters etc where one line of the excel file produces one letter or
form or email.

However I want to use this process to merge and email but instead of
sending one email of each line send all records with the same email
address as a list in one email. Eg instead of sending a mail about
each employee to each manager, I want to mail each manager only once
with a list of their employees. Or set up some way of doing the same
thing within excel.

I have done some macros but not really programming. I was rather
hoping someone might have an add in available that helped with this
or that it could be done using words built in mail merge functions,
but I've not managed to find any help on how to achieve this. It
must be a common problem?

I'd apreciate any help or pointers in the right direction for this.



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