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replacement for a BCM4309 mini pci

  Date: Dec 24    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 470

My Dell 5150 works well in Ubuntu 7.10 and below. But with my wired and
wireless cards both being BCM43XX I have had headaches galore in Ubuntu
8.04. Does any one know of a wireless card that will work with this
laptop either in the minipci slot or in the pcima Slot. I am hoping to
find a G or a N series card.

I am tired of the battle and decided to upgrade rather then fight.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 24    

I have been experimenting with Linux over the past six months.

On my Dell 2650 Laptop I found that SUSE 10.2 automatically installed my
Linksys PCMCIA wireless card.

(This did not happen with version 10.3).

On a Dell 1100, I have just installed Linux Mandrake Spring 2008, and it
automaticalled my Gigabyte GN-WBKG usb wireless dongle.

All I had to add were the SSID and password when setting the WPA.

Both laptops running perfectly.

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