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Dell Mini

  Date: Dec 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 385

I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my Dell Mini 10 and it works good accept the
display can't be adjusted. It doesn't recognize my monitor.
The display needs to be adjusted so that I can see the whole page.
I think my graphics driver doesn't support it. Is there anything I can do? I'm
not very experienced with Ubuntu, but have gained some knowledge since I began
my journey.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 11    

How do I uninstall the update version 9.04 to go back to 8.04?
I'm thinking my display video can be adjusted with 8.04 while it can't with

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 11    

Ubuntu 9.04 uses a newer kernel which renders older graphics drivers
obsolete. It isn't 9.04 that is the problem but the kernel 2.6.28. You can
install an older kernel and remove 2.6.28 and use the old graphics drivers.
This would be easier than re-installing Ubuntu.

Look in the repositories in Synaptic for kernel 2.6.27 and install that. Do
not remove 2.6.28 until you boot into 2.6.27 successfully. Make sure that
the kernel matches your current one in all things but the number. It will
most likely be called You want the most recent one that
has 2.6.27.x-generic.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 11    

Your timing is perfect. I am thinking of buying a Dell mini 9 inspiron
for my wife, surfing as well as some email and a little light duty
gaming like solitare and such. It will have ubuntu and no disk hard
drive. How do you like yours.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 11    

I just bought my wife an Asus Eee pc 900, refurbished from Buy.com and
she loves it. She is also a light user, email, internet browsing and
games. I replaced the Xandros operating system with Ubuntu 9.04 because
Xandros took up the whole sd drive and I couldn't remove any of the
pre-installed programs to make room for software updates. Ununtu 9.04
runs great on it, no audio or video problems.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 11    

Had the same problem on my desk top install. If you are able to got to update
amanger and download and install the updates (there are ATI & INTEL video
updates) that are available, this should fix the problem. My problem was fixed
with the first update & reboot I did.

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