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Partitioning, networking and me.

  Date: Jan 08    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 462

I know this is just one of those things i have to deal with
for being a newbie but I am trying to partition the drive I have
Ubuntu on so that I can install a few other things I need for
work(i.e. windows xp and mepis). I am trying to use gparted but I
don't understand the conversion. I have a 100 gb drive in this laptop
and want to make a 20g and a 10 g partition. How do I do this. What
numbers should i put in to resize the drives. I am very confused.
Please help. I know I have lots of dumb questions but asking is the
only way I can learn. Looking it up on the net sometimes is a bit
confusing do to the mass amounts of meds I am on. Which is very weird
for me. My conversion to Ubuntu has been a bumpy but fun ride and I
thank all of you for helping me as much as you have.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 08    

first you have to shrink the big patition, as long
there is room, no problem but it takes TIME

best is use the gparted life cd

do not use "WRITE DOS LABEL" because then everything
is gone

for the numbers you see you simply get the % of it for
the new size

backup your data that you don't want to loose...

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 08    

Thanks I kinda understand how to do it. I have the live cd. The problem is I
dont know what to put in the number fields. I want to make the main
partition 60 gb and two 10 gb partitions. The problem is I dont get the
conversion what is mib?

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