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GParted, creating partition I have access to

  Date: Jan 29    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 602

I have a couple of old IDE drives, one 20G and one 80G.

In GParted, confirmed the 80G is ext4 and made the 20G ext4.

Trying to copy directories to either of the drives as a backup I found I did not
have permission. "root" is the owner and group and nobody has any file access.
There is nothing on either drive that I care to save. Is there an easy way to
create these partitions so good-old "mike" has ownership, access, and

If no is there an easy way to do the above in CLI using "chmod"?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 29    

It *should* be as easy as

Create the partition(s) on the drive(s) and create the filesystem(s) you
Create a mount point for the partition(s).
Do a chmod 777 to the mount point(s) to give everybody global permissions.
Mount the partition(s) to check that everything works OK.
Edit fstab with the details of the new partitions(s).

Alternatively, a chown to the mount point(s) *should* change the
ownership or a chgrp *should* change the group (remember to do all these
as sudo and to add yourself to the relevant group if you take the last

Note, *should*... Most times I've done this (which, admittedly, isn't
that often) it's worked like a charm but, just ocasionally, the chmod
doesn't want to 'stick' when the drive is mounted.

I'm afraid I have no advice to give you as to how to get it to work if
the above procedure fails as I have yet to find a systematic way of
sorting it out - it seems to be more of a black art than a science, I'm

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