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Resize SCSI1 (0.0.0). partition #1 sda

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 898

Using the Ubuntu LiveCD 7.10

I read most of what I could find about installing to give dual-boot, and
got some nice instructions from Softpedia.

Got to step 4/7 where it asks about partitioning.

OK option 1 Guided-resize the partition and use the freed space. Super,
this keeps XP [apparently] and was expecting to see that it had found an
IDE drive master partitition #1 hda1

Instead it says

Resize SCSI1 (0.0.0). partition #1 sda

Is it 'safe' to continue, and why should it detect SCSI when I have IDE ?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

Ubuntu detects IDE dRives as SCSI. I'm not sure why; that's just how it is.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 03    

Whatever you do, remember to back-up your important data.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 03    

Instead going for the guided partition ...you had
better go to the manual partition and make a manual
partition for your ubuntu ....
step 1. delete the partition not being used by
step 2. Now create the swap partition, and have its
size equal to your RAM size.
step 3. Now the specify the remaining partition as
boot partition "/" .
step 4. Advance to the next step.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 03    

Yes, the new SATA drivers are "serial" interfaces and detected as SCSI

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