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No Serial Port / No CD Drive

  Date: Dec 13    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 708

I'm thinking about buying a netbook. Where I live I have to use a
dial up connection. I've been using a serial port modem. How can I
connect a computer without a serial port to the phone line?
Also, how can I load Ubuntu in a machine with no CD drive?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 13    

i hav a eeepc900, loaded 810 from usb stick.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 13    
Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 13    

Serial ports are kind of outdated, There is an option found easily
though. Try using a serial to USB adapter, You may have trouble
getting your modem recognised but I bet there is a workaround to that.

Ubuntu is downloaded as an iso image (CD disk image) and can be loaded
onto a USB drive. Using another computer you can burn the image onto
the USB drive as dialup is much to slow for a download. Set your
computer bios up to boot from USB device and you should be set.

I am using a WD external USB drive for backup and when using another
computer. I have a bootable sector on it and it is loaded with Ubuntu
8.10 I no longer have to put up with Windoze even when away from my
box. You can do it with flash drive but I don't leave anything home
but my computer, kind of neat.

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