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Issue with USB connection and Arduino Uno

  Date: Feb 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 609

I'm using Debian 6 and when I connect a Ardunio Uno to the USB the comms don't
always work.

If working OK doing 'ls /dev/tty*' shows '/dev/ttyACM0' which is the Uno.

When the problem exists if I do a 'ls /dev/tty*' I can see an entry of
'/dev/ttyACM0' already which isn't the Uno. Unplugging and replugging the Uno
shows an entry '/dev/ttyACM1'.

If I unplug the Uno and wait, sometimes a couple a minutes, the ACM0 will
disappear and then when I replug the Uno all is fine.

Is the other ACM0 something else in the system, and if so why does it seem to
clear after a while ?

Any thoughts on how I can get around this ?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 12    

Nice to see someone else using the Arduino development platform. I guess
you know more about Debian than I. The Ubuntu repositories have the
Arduino IDE and that is what I use. I have had more problems with the
Atmel programmer than an Uno board when trying to connect. The problems
I have had there was in permissions on the USB device. Having tried on
many occasions to set these permissions and failing, I simply start the
IDE from a terminal using sudo when trying to program a new processor
for proto board use. The only issue I have had doing this is saving
sketches to my home rather than the root home. I know I could buy chips
with the boot loader already programmed to lighten my load, but I would
rather not use an outside crystal so take that extra effort.

Closer to your question. I am thinking the port differences has to do
with the actual com port on the arduino and the programming port on the
arduino. I could be wrong on this however. I do know that a programmer
issue with permissions has something to do with that. If you want to
experiment much with the arduino note that using the wrong ports for
power control can brick a processor. Something I have done many times over.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 12    

Thanks for the reply. I am no expert on Debian just a recent learner!.
I'll look into what you say about the Uno ports.

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