I'm using Debian 6 and when I connect a Ardunio Uno to the USB the comms don't
always work.
If working OK doing 'ls /dev/tty*' shows '/dev/ttyACM0' which is the Uno.
When the problem exists if I do a 'ls /dev/tty*' I can see an entry of
'/dev/ttyACM0' already which isn't the Uno. Unplugging and replugging the Uno
shows an entry '/dev/ttyACM1'.
If I unplug the Uno and wait, sometimes a couple a minutes, the ACM0 will
disappear and then when I replug the Uno all is fine.
Is the other ACM0 something else in the system, and if so why does it seem to
clear after a while ?
Any thoughts on how I can get around this ?