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Help With Ubuntu On Intel Tablet

  Date: Feb 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 724

I have an "engineering sample" of an Intel Exopc tablet. Its specs are

It came with the MeeGo Linux distribution. Intel (and everyone else, as
far as I can tell) has abandoned MeeGo. As a result, I installed Ubuntu 11.10.
I probably made a mistake by installing Ubuntu over the entire "disk," rather
than "beside" MeeGo.

I have 5 questions:

1. When I boot the tablet, Ubuntu comes up, there is a symbol in the upper
right that brings up an on-screen keyboard (a poor keyboard, but a keyboard),
and that allows me to enter my password. Once I have entered my password, the
desktop comes up and the symbol disappears. I can't figure out how to bring up
an on-screen keyboard. Luckily, the tablet has USB ports, so I can plug in a
keyboard, but that defeats the purpose of a tablet. Any idea how to bring up
the on-screen keyboard?

2. I read a lot on this listserv about an appropriate file structure
(\home, \misc, \etc). I can't tell if that was installed on my tablet. How do
I find out what my file structure is?

3. (A related question) What is the Ubuntu equivalent of Windows Explorer
-- a program to view and manipulate files and file structure?

4. I can't tell if grub was installed on my tablet. When (hopefully not
if) Android Ice Cream Sandwich is ported to the Intel Atom processor, I would
like to have them both on my tablet. How do I tell if grub is installed?

5. (This may be more of an application question that can be solved by
downloading another application) Ubuntu 11.10 comes with LibreOffice.
OpenOffice Writer allows you to "save as" a .doc file. LibreOffice Writer does
not seem to do that. Is there a way to cure that?

I am not sure if any of you know how Ubuntu works on a tablet, but I
appreciate any help any of you can give.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 11    

I'm a Kubuntu (11.10) user so not everything I know applies to Ubuntu, but
most should.

1. Kubuntu has a virtual keyboard under the Utilities menu. If Ubuntu has
it on a menu you can start it and there should be a configuration menu that
allows you to make it come up and stay up.

2. Ubuntu has a very good file manager which I think is called Nautilus. It
will enable you to explore the file structure. If you can open a terminal
it can give you a way to explore as long as you don't mind the CLI.

3. You can install a wide range of file managers: Dolphin, Thundar etc.
Mind you I have no idea how you can install anything on a system like
yours. Again from the CLI apt-get is your friend.

4. No operating syystem will start without a boot loader. It would normally
be grub but could be lilo (LInux LOader) or something else. Very hard to
say, and I haven't heard you mention having any documentation which makes
it a real adventure.

5. My Libre Office, ver. 3.4.4, has the option to save in 3 different .doc
formats from '95 to 2003 versions. I'm surprised you don't have that...

Good luck and keep us posted. I'm sure there are others here who are trying
out the same thing.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 11    

You could answer these questions yourself if you did.

1 - plug in a keyboard, open ubuntusoftware center or synaptic package manager
................ in the search bar type - onscreen keyboard
choose 1 of the 4 to choose from........... install

2 if ubuntu is starting then you have the default file structure of ubuntu linux
- google search it

3 just open a folder to view and use files...click view and then hidden files
and all you config files under /home will appear ( so this answers 2
)........to view config files, logs etc you have - terminal and then Gedit is
used to edit them

4If Ubuntu is starting and ubuntu was installed on hdd - then Yes grub is

5 libre office is a fork of open office and they do all the same things
........ so yes you can save as .doc file .........google search it

mate listen do yourself a favour and join some linux forums

ububtuforums.org this is the BIG one

BohdiLinux all have good forums and tableeeet info

then there are Android Forums and

the number 1 rule in the linux world is GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND

So always search before asking your questions

i simply googled the name of your tablet.... Intel Exopc tablet...........oh
looky here what NO1 search result was

linux geeks HATE laziness ..................you could easily have answered all
those questions yourself or with a simple google search

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