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  Date: Dec 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 433

I just got my very first server today from Dell. If is a SC440 with
dual 160 gig harddrives.

I installed Fedora 8.04 as the operating system since everyone says
it is the best free operating system out there.

I then proceeded to download Ubuntu, all 6 ISO files, and burned tham
all to CD.

My question is, how do I start? I have never had a server before and
I have always worked in Windows.

What I want to have is a web server that is accessable by everyone
(with passwords for most, for certain areas) MySQL, php, email, ASP,

Is this where I would come for help?



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 26    

Why would you need 6 iso CD for Ubuntu? I thought the sever pack only takes one
CD. I know Fedora Core does take 6 CD's, but not Ubuntu. Ubuntu does geat
running as a server and runs all the programs you listed just fine. For quick
and fast help. Ubuntu forum is the best.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 26    

Only one CD is required - far less to download
and an excellent distribution!

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 26    

Fedora was 6 and Ubuntu was only one.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 26    

Fedora is good but very
large. Ubuntu is one CD/DVD and is much more useful because you can run
it from CD without installing it. Then when you decide its OK you load.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 26    

First, off Fedora is good, but not the best for everyone. It is not a
newbie friendly distro. If people find Ubuntu frustrating for not
including multimendia codecs, they will find Fedora doubly difficult.
It is much harder to configure and the repositories are not nearly as
extensive as Ubuntu's, meaning that they will have to compile more
programs than they would if they used Ubuntu.

Also, Fedora uses RPMs and they invariably lead users into dependency
problems, know widely as dependency Hell. Fedora is the development
branch for RedHat, meaning that it is where RedHat experiments with
its OS and it is not the same thing as RedHat which is based on the
stable branch.

If this is your idea of the best, then you and I have a different idea
of what it means to be the best. BTW, Ubuntu makes a server edition
and it has the largest community on the internet.

That being said, many people do successfully use Fedora. You should
just know that its reputation as the best may be overstated. There is
no best. It all depends on your own experience and needs.

All of the things that you mention are available in the repositories
of Ubuntu and Fedora, in fact in most distros.

See: LAMP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAMP_(software_bundle)

There are also VMs that are based on LAMP and may be an option to


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