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help a new partner , where to start ?

  Asked By: Ketan    Date: Jul 11    Category: Java    Views: 595

I'm new in Java ( actually i want to start)
but i don't know where to get help
i need advice about how to create my first program
i've just started my html steps and want to know the difference
between HTML and JAVA ( by the way , what is XML? )



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Michael Evans     Answered On: Jul 11

HTML is a mark-up language, in short you can not write loops or conditional
statements with HTML
Java is a platform free programming language. It is object oriented. If you are
new I strongly advise you to get Jbuilder java  development tool by Borland as
the GUI creation with Java can be redunant. JBuilder 5 is free of charge. Check
the web site
Also a good tool is sun.java.com

Answer #2    Answered By: Woodrow Jones     Answered On: Jul 11

If you want to learn Java, I advise you to get a book or look for an online
tutorial on java.sun.com

Answer #3    Answered By: Iris Sanders     Answered On: Jul 11

Sun has a nice tutorial to get you started  with the basics. If you
want to get a really good book on it, you can get the Schaums's
outline: "programming with java" for under 16 bucks. Unlike a lot of
books it gets to the heart or of what you need to know with out an bs
to fill pages. All the programming problems have solutions in the
back of the book ( and if you have taken a programming class ..some
of these are similiar/the same as the ones most professers give). You
should be able to find it in your local college library if your
really frugal like moi. combine that with the JDK, and textpad (
smallest download), jbuilder-personal, or Forte for java  CE (large
downloads) and your in business.

The short answer for HTML is it is a markup language, which tells a
browser how information and text is suppose to look and be formatted.
Java is an object-oriented language meant to "write once run
anywhere", you can actually solutions to problems with it. Its great
for network programming and web applications and I personally am
starting to become fond of it on the desktop. XML is an extensible
markup language for describing structured data. their is alot more to
it (ie xsl & xslt) but it is great for searching, manipulating and
rendering. The last company i worked for we used it in conjuction
with java2 platform to render ready made contracts.

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