For the Question 1;
I prefer Val() Function
if val(Range("A1").value) = 0 then ' if it consists a text (not a number), val
returns 0
'This is not a number
strNewFileName = Range("A1").value
'This is a number
strNewFileName = "Number" & Range("A1").Value
end if
But remember if Range("A1") consists a number and the number is 0,then the "IF
STRUCTURE" will act like that it is a text. I mean it won't make strNewFileName
= "Number 0". You can make a little special solution for this. For example you
can control it like this:
if val(Range("A1").value) = 0 and not Range("A1").text = "0"
strNewFileName = Range("A1").value
strNewFileName = "Number" & Range("A1").Value
end if
So it fixes the 0(zero) problem. This If Structure will always put "Number" in
front of it, if the value is a number.