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Export from JTable to Excel

  Asked By: Fabiana    Date: May 17    Category: Java    Views: 3290

I am quite new to Java technology. i am doing an application where I
must display the Jtable data in an Excel sheet. I have managed to
open the Excel from java using the Runtime class but failed to get
the data from Jtable and display it in Excel when the user clicks on
the button.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Adelinda Fischer     Answered On: May 17

You must use The Poi of jakarta..........

Answer #2    Answered By: Tamara Nguyen     Answered On: May 17

Well, one format that excel  can open is .csv. WHich is just comma separated
values. SO if you have a table like so:
1 | two | three
2 | three| four

you would write a text file like so

This file will open up in excel.

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