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  Asked By: Adella    Date: May 30    Category: Asp.net    Views: 1132

I installed Visual Studio .net on Windows XP Pro. I click
Internet Information Services icon on Adminstrative Tools. Under
the Web Sites Folder, I could see a reference Default Web Site
(Stopped). When I try to start this, I am getting the following
Unexpected error 0x8ffe2740 occurred.

I uninstalled and reintalled IIS more than 2 times. I believe this
should be up and running to view my .aspx pages on the browser.



12 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Lela Lynch     Answered On: May 30

When u are installing your visual  Studio.NET make sure that your IIS is running  on that moment...
This is a kind of bug in the .NET installation.
So i suggest to uninstall your whole visual studio  and .NET Framework
Afterwards, make sure your IIS is Running and reinstall everything...

Answer #2    Answered By: Mark R     Answered On: May 30

Thanks for your input. Keep you posted of my
uninstalling/installing of .net framework.

Answer #3    Answered By: Jaime Bowman     Answered On: May 30

I keep all of my software for my computer in one box
and when I run into install problems like I've been
hearing about I just backup my files and fdisk.

Answer #4    Answered By: Brandon Tucker     Answered On: May 30

I uninstalled .net framework and visual  studio.net. Installed
IIS and still have the same problem
Default web  Site (Stopped)

If I understand your earlier statement correctly(msg 1234), I should
not have this error. I hope I have not misunderstood your
statement. Let me know whether this error  should disappear after
unistalling .net framework and visual studio.net. I did uninstall
and install IIS . When I was searching the web for above messages,
I got the following info. I am also supposed to delete IUSR_machine
and IWAM_machine accounts. I am not very familiar with this. It
would be of great help to me if I can get my IIS up and running.

Answer #5    Answered By: Al Allen     Answered On: May 30

Can I ask, if its not a daft question, have you tried starting your default  web
server ?


Answer #6    Answered By: Viola Hanson     Answered On: May 30

You should not have any problems uninstalling and reinstalling the
Framework. I have had to do it a few times in the past for one reason or
another. Even with VS.NET already installed, it seems to work fine.

Answer #7    Answered By: Arthur Cole     Answered On: May 30

Have you right clicked on the default  website and tried to "Start" it?

Answer #8    Answered By: Jim Williamson     Answered On: May 30

Are you using host headers???????????

Answer #9    Answered By: Sherri Parker     Answered On: May 30

Just a thought but check MMC and make sure the default  web site  is not stopped
there. Even if the web  service is set to Automatice on scoputer startup, it
will not start  unless MMC has it strted.

Answer #10    Answered By: Rachel Barnes     Answered On: May 30

I think that is in Control Panel--Administrator stuff.
In Windows 2000 at least.

Answer #11    Answered By: Julio Morgan     Answered On: May 30

I didnt see the original question, however MMC stands for Microsoft
Management Console. It is a framework that allows different applications and
server management components to be manageed from the same interface...
Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000 is an example of a MMC application.
If you are running  Windows XP and go to the Start Menu>Administrative Tools
(Or Control Panel> Administrative Tools) and click on the Internet
Information Services the application you use to manage your website is what
they call a MMC "Snap-in" meaning it is a component designed to run within
the Microsoft Management Console interface.

Regarding HTTP Headers, I have not dealt with them all that much but if you
right click the Default web  Site and click on the Properties Tab, one of the
tabs that comes up under that is "HTTP Headers" . You could try the help
function at the bottom of that tab for more information.

Answer #12    Answered By: Opal Alexander     Answered On: May 30

Finally I figured out what the problem is. I have oracle9i which
brings up the apache server automatically. Once I stopped this
server, I could start  IIS.

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