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default dialer in Ubuntu for dial up ISPs

  Date: Jan 10    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 496

Hay what's the default dialer that comes with Ubuntu for dial up ISPs?



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 10    

I think is what installed on 5.10 automagicly. It's installed and I
didn't install it through apt-get.

wvdial - PPP dialer with built-in intelligenc

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 10    

Yah I was reading and pppconfig seems to be what I need. I'll see when I
can get back to it.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 10    

Yes pppconfig has worked fine for me in the past with redhat
and debian. it seems to me all that was required was to identify the
modem and put in the phone number to dial. That was with an external
serial modem, I never did have any luck trying to get a winmodem to work
on linux. KA9QLQ huh? I used to hold a ham ticket for years, but was
inactive for several years whille working construction down south and my
ticket expired. I was K3SFA. I have been seriously thinking of getting
it back again.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 10    

ex-K3SFA, N7AAO (Extra) says you definitely need to get back into
it... the digital modes are growing by leaps and bounds.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 10    

sorry it took so long to get back. I ordered an external [witch I hate]
off Ebay for my friend's PC to replace his winmodem. The other PC has a
LT modem that you can get drivers for. He really likes Ubuntu so far,
you know ham and new things. I've been hamming 22 years and love it. Re
get your ticket.

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