To find out if the Command Bar exists, try:
For Each bar In Application.CommandBars
If = "My New Bar" Then
MsgBox "Menu Bar Exists: " & bar.Left _
& ", Width: " & bar.Width
If Not bar.Visible Then
bar.Visible = True
bar.Enabled = True
End If
Exit For
End If
If the Tool Bar exists, but is not visible, it turns it on.
To make sure the most recent Command bar is available, I define it in
the Auto_Open sub of the file
CMDbarName = "My New Bar"
' Create Command BAR
Set cComm = Application.CommandBars.Add
With cComm
.name = CMDbarName
.Position = msoBarTop
.RowIndex = msoBarRowFirst + 20
.Left = 600
.Visible = True
End With
' Open Tool Layouts
With cComm.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
.Caption = "Open Document"
.Style = msoButtonIcon
.FaceId = 23
.OnAction = "Open_New_Document"
End With