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Configuring Tomcat4.0

  Asked By: Dukker    Date: Aug 14    Category: Java    Views: 846

i have got problem in configuring tomcat.
i do the following steps.

set the CLASS_PATH to common\lib
CATALINA_HOME to E:\tomcat
JAVA_HOME to C:\j2sdk1.4.0
PATH to ...\\\ C:\j2sdk1.4.0\bin
It gives me all the time exception error that the
address is already in use.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Wade Jordan     Answered On: Aug 14

What do you mean address? Usually, you throw an
Unidentified class exception  if you have a PATH
problem. May be something ele is wrong?

Answer #2    Answered By: Roderick King     Answered On: Aug 14

Could it be that the address that you are talking about is the port address?
Perhaps the port you chose to run tomcat  on is being used by another
program. Usually tomcat runs on port 8080 or 80 unless you specify another
port. If this is it, you should try to find out what other program you have
running on that port and stop it or change it...or just change the port you
chose Tomcat to run on.

Perhaps you have Tomcat running on port 80 and something else like Personal
Web Server (for ASP) running on port 80 as well. Port 80 allows you to run
something in the browser without specifying the port like this -->
http://localhost rather than this --> http://localhost:8080

Answer #3    Answered By: Fatih Farooq     Answered On: Aug 14

Probably it has to do with the port that you are using for TomCat
configuration. It might be used for some other Application already.
Try going throught the port configurations for this one....

Answer #4    Answered By: Isaac Evans     Answered On: Aug 14

there is already a server running on the port you are trying to start
tomcat on.
perhaps a partially started version from prior tries.
restart your computer or find the guilty process and terminate it

Answer #5    Answered By: Erin Dunn     Answered On: Aug 14

if u r using oracleoracle apache server may be running on that port....stop that
server n try

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