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excel vba word dialog box problem

  Asked By: Ibthaj    Date: Mar 22    Category: MS Office    Views: 1533

I am running some vba code in excel that first gets a listing of all
files in specified folder, and places them in spreadsheet. Then i run
code that opens each file in Word (2003), get's the page count, adds
that to the spreadsheet closes the document and moves to the next
document to repeat the process.

Now comes the problem. these are not all word documents, some are
wordperfect, and other document formats. my problem seems to happen
with wordperfect ones though. on a small amount of them. i get a
dialog window asking if i want to include the path to such and such
.wpg graphic file. i don't.. but until i respond to it the
automation is halted. it creates a dialog in excel saying it's
waiting for an ole widow response.

I have in both excel and word set the display alerts to false.. but
they still keep happening. any ideas on how to get around or fix this?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ryan Evans     Answered On: Mar 22

You could have a look at


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