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  on Dec 13 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Dec 13

Yuuguu (which I downloaded from their site) is not found in Synaptic or
Add/Remove, neither does a search in 'Files'. I should say that I am
hoping that Fuuguu is not the problem as it seems at first glance to be
a useful application - nevertheless, I am experiencing silly problems -
such as, 'not found' with a log in to Google! A reload often cures this,
but not always.

Sometimes a shut down and reload will help, but only for a while.
According to http://www.bredbandskollen.se/ I am just now getting a send
rate of 0.21 mbit/sec and a receive of 1.78 mbit/sec - this compared to
a slowest speed before Christmas of 1.28 mbit/sec up and 3.46 mbit/sec
down. My connection is 3g mobile.

Their help desk is ...............unhelpful, they do Windose and a
little Mac, mention Linux and they go foggy.

I heard that some ocean cables got cut but I haven't heard that this is
a problem in practical usage.

I converted from being a Mac enthusiast since 84 last year because I
just could not keep up economically, and I chose Ubuntu and I am
sooooooo pleased, but I am an old bloke, and seriously, I have forgotten
even how to operate my video machine, it's still connected but it
doesn't do what it should because I don't speak it's language anymore I
guess (which is a shame because I have hundreds of tapes and I miss not
being able to record stuff when I get bed tired).

Anyway - now I have to light up a tray of 'Marchaller' (long life
candles) under my truck engine or it will not start tomorrow morning.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion Leslie Anne (being a Swede I find that
your name is lovely) and I really appreciate your positive attitude.

I am sure that this international Ubuntu gang will sort me out even
though my problem 'should' not have anything to do with our preferred OS.



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