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  on Feb 07 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Feb 07

Thanks for that D810 link. That's pretty much what I see on the bio screen;
I only assume I'm in the bios. Where ever - I do see some of that spec.

I don't see all the specs at that linked page, but remember I don't know my
way around this computer. It probably all there, if I knew where to look.
IF I'm reading this computer correctly this machine's HD is 60GB. An
upgrade perhaps??? The previous owner "was" a business. I'm speculating
here: it started life with XP, there is an XP logo on it. The company that
owed it, computer tech guy, dumped XP and installed Fedora 13. "I think" he
then modified Fedora. There was no software like I see with Ubuntu down the
left side of the screen. There was not even email software, I think it's
called a client. There was something similar to MS Notepad and a basic
calculator. "I think" he, the tech guy, probably stripped (sterilized) all
their data including the software they used and left a bare bones shell -
and they gave them away to their employees - my daughter-in-law being one
of them. She took 3 because there were over 40 just laying around. I found,
what I'll call, 2 user names when I was messing around. As said before it
would not let me download software with a password other that the password
my daughter-in-law provided. She asked the tech guy for the password to the
system and the password he provided did not work. Originally in my
ignorance I referred to the system password as an administrative password,
from our many conversations I now think that I was referring to the root
password. Regardless, even with help from y'all I could not find it - I did
a bunch of looking and typing and clicking because then my attitude was "I
have nothing to loose." Roy pointed out early own that Fedora, IF I could
figure out and change the password was probably too advanced for me - at
least right now. I think he also mentioned it was a business type of
program, or could serve.

Bottom line is I'm behind the power curve and my use of terminology gets me
into trouble.

After the last reinstall, it runs a lot faster than when I said it was
slow. I still may not have followed the proper sequence when I
installed/reinstalled it. The last time, I started it up and pulsed the F2
key until I got the bios or whatever comes up when you do that, and I think
that is the right start point.

I'm not going to put a lot of software or apps, whatever the term should
be, into this thing until I am more familiar with Ubuntu. I'm sold on
Ubuntu. When I get comfortable with Ubuntu I'm going to change my Vista
desktop over; but right now Vista ain't broke, so I'll fix it later ... lol!

I reading everything from the Group. Most I'm clueless, but I'm reading
anyway. I googling and I'll be asking for direction.



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