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I need help in assembly x86,Irvine

  Asked By: Ngoche    Date: Nov 11    Category: C Programming    Views: 751

I am counting and adding digits from -17 to 5 i don't know if i did it right or not pls can some one help me pls. Here is my code it is giving me 17 as total.
space byte " ",0
a dword -17
b dword 5
source dword 120 dup(0)
sumof byte "The sum of the source array is ",0
theSum DWORD ?
delta dword ?
main PROC
mov eax,0
mov eax,b
sub eax,a
inc eax
mov delta,eax

mov edx,offset space
mov ecx,120

mov esi,0

mov eax,delta
call randomrange
inc eax
mov source[esi],eax
inc esi

loop l1
add eax,source[esi]
inc source[esi]
mov source[esi],eax
mov edx,offset sumof
call writestring
call writedec
call crlf



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