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Need help extracting Windows key from registry

  Date: Nov 28    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 605

I am posting here because I don't know much about the structure of an
operating system in the digital realm. I have primarily been hardware
oriented and only in the past few years have gotten into repair PCs,
mostly those running Windows.

Now I need to know how to load the hive from a failed windows
installation hard drive so I can use something like Magic Jellybean to
extract the installation key info from the hard drive when it is
installed in my windows XP pc as a slave drive.

for instance. if you look at http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/
and scroll down to Keyfinder Features Number 3, the load hive operation
does not work when I use the simple instructions for pointing to
Windows\system32\config. I assume it is because I am too ignorant to
know how to do this properly.

I am somewhat familiar with Hiren's boot CD, but I have not been able to
find the area to extract a Windows key by booting up the machine that
way either.

Would one of you be so kind and help me get oriented a bit in this area



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 28    

I had some luck using the Ophcrack Linux Live CD. They have one for WinXP and
one for WinVista/7.

I'll watch this string to what others suggest...

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 28    

This may be of help too:


It mentions a Hive tool. I saw it on Distrowatch.

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 28    

If the key information you seek is the key supplied from Microsoft to be used at
the time of installing the XP operating system, then
if you run BelArc Advisor (free Internet download) the key will be shown on the
printout. BelArc lists all the hardware and software installed in the computer
along with much details. You have to install BelArc on the machine in question,
so you have to be able to boot the OS, install BelArc, so BelArc can analyze and
display the results.

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 28    

Yes, the problem is that I cannot boot the machine. If I could, I would
not have a problem extracting this key. That is a relatively simple
process. But since I cannot boot the OS that contains the key, I need
to mount this hard drive as a slave and then use one of the keyfinder
programs to search for it in the system32 folder. This is the process I
have not been able to figure out.

Answer #5    Answered On: Nov 28    

If you have hard drive space install windows again in a different
directory. Better still boot from a live CD/DVD of some Linux distro
that has the kind of tools you need and use that to extract the hive
you need.

Answer #6    Answered On: Nov 28    

As far as I know, you can open the .reg files with a text editor. I have done
this in the past with exported .reg files. I would copy the .reg files
somewhere and just attemtp top open with a microsoft editor like wordpad.

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