I offer up a "two-fer" question in honor of Flag Day in the US.
I'm running 32-bit Feisty on AMDx2-64, browsing with Firefox On the evening of the 11th, I installed recommended/security
updates published through Update Manager. I also attempted (partially
successfully) to install Linux Citrix Client. Used root terminal
window for that process. Next reboot of machine on 6/12.
Since that reboot, I see the following logon error message: "User's
$HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session
and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have
644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not
writable by others."
Looking at the properties of my home directory, I (my logon) am the
owner, with create/delete, read/write access. Others are set to "no
folder access". I show same properties for .dmrc file.
What gives? Any idea what caused this issue, and a safe way to
resolve? I am able to login and work using the affected profile, with
no apparent issues beyond the error (though I haven't done anything
requiring much more than running apps since then).
Secondly, has anyone successfully installed and used Citrix client
in Feisty/Firefox to access MS apps on a CAG server? (my install
appeared to run successfully, but cannot access published Windows apps
on my target site - I only get the option to "open" or "save to disk"
the ICA configuration file which should kick-start the app. Is this a
problem local to my client install, or an issue on my target server?